And away we go...
I've been writing pretty steadily over the last few weeks getting ready for my Edge of the Empire Campaign. I'm really excited about running and cannot wait. The title of the campaign is
A Dark Black Past (DBP). Yes, Megadeth came across Pandora and I used a bit of lyrics, but it is makes for a perfect title for this campaign. The first episode titled
Simple Posession and as the title suggests the episode revolves around... wait I can't exactly say just yet as I have some players that will read this.
I have about 9 people that want to play but based on past experience that is too many. I once ran a Star Wars RCR game that had 12 or 13 people and it was a nightmare. If I remember correctly they were trying to take command/control of a Star Destroyer and one combat lasted 4 hours. Needless to say that the campaign only lasted one session and was never brought back up. I'm really surprised that my players ever wanted me to GM again.
Anyway, I am going to try and run two separate games. The first and core campaign (DBP) is going to consist of 6 players, Keenan, Don, Pat, John, Kevin, and Scott. The second group (if it pans out) will be Ray, Xavier, Keenan, and Brady. Also, a note about the second group, two of them are children who are both 8 years old.
Here are the six characters for A Dark Black Past:

Known to nearly all Gand, Tabo Nesh is practically a celebrity. In his youth, the Technician was credited with creating the revolutionary breathing apparatus G-Breather 9000. It was a more comfortable had better filters with built in options that others did not have. The G-Breather 9000 was to change the lives of space faring Gands everywhere. In one fell swoop he earned both of his names, fame and fortune. He would become known galaxy wide for his accomplishments. There's only problem. The idea for the G-Breather 9000 was not his. He had stolen the idea from a university roommate and made it his own. Now, living in secret shame, he wanders the galaxy to make name for himself on his own merit.

The Twi'lek Doctor, No'vus Waravan was working on his residency on the Mid-Rim planet
Zolan when a fatal misjudgment caused an entire village to succumb to the horrors of
Karatos Plague. Of course he and other doctors working the site were saved thanks to a senior medical technician who "happened" to some extra antidote hidden away for safe keeping. The senior refused to waste his personal supply of medicine on those that did not deserve it. On that day, No'vus was quickly made aware of the harsh realities of the galaxy. After graduating medical school swore an oath to help the unfortunate and now wander the Outer Rim helping wherever he is needed.

Simms is a Bothan crooked banker, plain and simple. He spent years cooking books and embezzling money from a small branch of the Galactic Banking Network. Everything was going great. He was raking in the credits hand over fist with none the wiser, until the day that the Imperial Security Bureau arrived at his door. Simms quickly made his way out the back door and to the only person he knew that could help,
Savan. The up and coming Black Sun operative Savan was more than willing to offer a helping hand. She offered to help with one stipulation, one day Simms would have to return the favor. Simms felt he had no choice and made the deal. Now, Simms is wandering the Outer Rim, looking for the next big swindle, all the while trying to avoid Imperial entanglements.

Yurra is a Wookie who has lived on the run his whole life. His parents were refugees from
Kashyyyk and have been moving from planet to planet ever since Kashyyyk's fall to the Galactic Empire. Yurra was taught to pilot by his father who was a pilot during the
Separatist invasion and subsequent clone occupation of Kashyyyk. When Yurra became an adult he left his parents behind to follow his own pursuits but facing oppression and threats of slavery at every turn, Yurra has not found an easy path. His gambling addiction has not made things any easier. He finds himself in a desperate search for freedom against addiction and the oppression of the Wookies.

Everybody has to find their own way in the galaxy, right? That's Knosh Targan's motto, a human scoundrel who looks for every opportunity to score a quick buck. He's been around the galaxy a time or two and always comes out just one step ahead of the law. His last job was to smuggle some cargo from Bespin to the Coruscant. Well, the Imperial Security Bureau started sniffing around his cargo and things got a little tight for Knosh. Just as the ISB were about to descend on the vehicle, a customs agent calls them off to investigate a matter of Imperial Security. It turns out that the custom agent was a cousin of Mr. Targan and was just sending the ISB on a wild goose chase. Knosh pointed at the cousin, gave him a wink, and said "I owe ya one pal." Just like so many others, Knosh is a simple man looking for a quick way to make a buck in the galaxy.

Our group is rounded out by Skleet, a Trandoshan bounty hunter. One of the things that make Skleet different than others of his ilk is his affinity to gadgets. This is an odd mix because as most know, trandoshans are not known for their technical prowess. They do only have three claws after all. Skleet is honor bound to his family and feels he owes his family a great debt. He has set out into the galaxy to earn enough
Jagannath points to honor he
And there we have it, our little band of miscreants, scoundrels,and fringers. Hopefully on July 31, we will start this whirlwind adventure in a galaxy far far away....
*all images borrowed from the respective artist. All rights belong to the respective artists and are only being used for visual representation of characters.
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