Saturday, April 30, 2011

Upcoming League

This Tuesday (5/3) is the start of a Warhammer Fantasy Escalation  League at one of the local game stores. While I have some issues with they way they are approaching the League I will participate and utilize their league to play some Warhammer Fantasy battles (which is a rare commodity in this day and age).

Anyway, I've been contemplating what army I am going to play in the League and have finally settled on Skaven. Simply because I have more of them painted than any other army I have at the moment. After even more deliberation I've settled on a list...

750 Pts - Skaven Roster
Warlord (1#, 98 pts)
1 Warlord, 98 pts (General; Hand Weapon; Halberd; Heavy Armour)
1 Rat Hound Bodyguard

Chieftain (1#, 72 pts)
1 Chieftain (Battle Standard Bearer), 72 pts (Hand Weapon; Halberd; Heavy Armour; Battle Standard

Stormvermin (26#, 270 pts)
24 Stormvermin, 270 pts (Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Halberd; Heavy Armour)
1 Fangleader (Hand Weapon; Halberd; Heavy Armour)
1 Lichebone Pennant

Skavenslaves (40#, 82 pts)
40 Skavenslaves, 82 pts (Musician Mus; Hand Weapon)

Giant Rats (21#, 78 pts)
18 Giant Rats, 78 pts
3 Packmaster (Hand Weapon; Whip; Light Armour)

1 Doom-Flayer Weapon Team (Doom-Flayer; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour)
Doomwheel (1#, 150 pts)
1 Doomwheel, 150 pts (Causes Terror; Immune to Psychology; Large Target)
1 Crew (Warlock & Rats)

750 points and 90 models! I love an army of multitudes of Skaven.

And a pic of my Doomwheel, just because.
Force on Force update,

I've been reading the rulebook. I can't seem to find that much time to read. but what I've ingested so far I really like the game. The rules seem fluid and relatively easy to learn. I'll go more into the rules and stuff once I've actually played a game.

I've primed my squad of Modern US Army, got a base coat on them, and a wash of GW's Devlin Mud. I started working  some Middle Eastern Buildings which I hope to have pictures up soon.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New to the game

After years of being in this hobby, I've decided to start a blog about my miniature war gaming experiences. Here, I'll posts snippets about my painting, battle reports, or other thoughts about miniature gaming in general.

To start, lets talk about Force on Force by Ambush Alley Games. After reading a few different blogs about the game, I decided to visit their website and spend hours upon hours reading their forums. Three things are pulling me into this game...

  1. The game mechanics seemed interesting, easy, fun, and fast paced. 
  2. I've never tried a "historical" or modern miniature game.
  3. I'm a miniature whore. Meaning I love to buy and paint new mini's.
A few weeks ago I pre-ordered their new, revised Force on Force rulebook and first new expansion Road to Baghdad published by Osprey Publishing (a great company who puts out incredible historical reference material). They arrived yesterday and a cursory glance through the rulebook gets me all excited about a new game! It's a full color hardback book, has lots of pictures and images. My only, small, complaint on first thumbing through it is that I wish some of the images were larger. But, I was too exhausted to delve into the books last night as I just returned from a long weekend at Surfside Beach, SC. I plan on getting into them tonight or tomorrow.

Also, to tide me over until I get get some metal miniatures,I've purchased some plastic 1:72 scale miniatures from Caesar Miniatures to use in some of my early modern battles. I ordered 1 box of Modern US Army (42 figs) and 1 2 boxes of Modern Militia (36 figs in each). The Modern Militia box represents African and Middle Eastern Insurgents and Rebels. For them to be so small and plastic, I am impressed with the quality of the miniatures. They'll do until I can get some metal mini's.

Here is a pic (a bad one at that) of my first squad of US Army. Washed, trimmed, based, and ready to be primed.

I hope to get these started soon. I'm still debating on camo pattern. ACU, DCU, or Multicam. Such small scale, I don't know.....