Thursday, May 26, 2011


Games Workshop are once again tempting me with Dark Eldar goodness. Why are they doing this to me now!?! 

 Curse you GW!


Over the last few weeks I've started a new job (from not having one for the last 2 and half years) and started a Master's degree program. Needless to say I am a bit overwhelmed and can't really concentrate on little soldiers at the moment. But last night my wife, being the good counselor that she is, is ordering me to take 30 minutes out of my day for me. So, that 30 minutes will most likely be miniature painting or building or something. I spent last night's thirty minutes cleaning off my desk!

As a side note, I have finally received the correct Vallejo colors to continue my US Army in ACU.  Also, due to some people asking how I did the ACU I'll be posting a Tutorial, sometime. I also received a Space Wolf Pack that I can work on my White Howlers, my Space Wolves successor chapter

And because I don't like posting something without a picture of miniatures here are pics of my Screaming Bell. Pics are a bit blurry but you can still tell what it is.

Until Next time!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Savannah and Dark Eldar goodness

Well, last week, for our 10 year anniversary, I took my wife on a surprise trip to Savannah for a get away. Just us, no kids. We've always wanted to go but never really did. We had a blast. We...

  1. Ate some awesome seafood at Tubby's Tank House and a few other local establishments.
  2. Visited Tybee Island.
  3. Did the Midnight Zombie Ghost Walk with Blue Orb Tours. It was great! Tobias was an incredible tour guide.
  4. Visited some amazing sites and saw some amazing architecture
But since this is a blog about miniature wargaming I guess I'll get to that..

I've been on vacation for a few days and when I get back I see this...

Why the hell am I not collecting Dark Eldar again?!? This is BADASS! I say" again" because when they were first introduced as an army many many moons ago, I collected them. But they didn't release any really cool models at the start. I had gotten out of my Warhammer 40k phase before they did.

I just might have to ponder getting this new army!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

ACU (digital camo) pt 2

Here is my second attempt at Digital Camo or ACU. This one is much better than my first attempt but not quite as good as I wanted. For some reason, when I painted the first model forgot how to paint or something. This one looks much better.

He is nearly finished. I need to add some highlights to his rifle and goggles. Maybe another layer of skin tone and some straps. I'm undecided on his back pack and pouches. I've seen some pics where the pouches are desert colors, and some where they are ACU. So, I don't know.

Edit: I wanted to ad some real life examples that I'm using as reference.

I am about to go on an anniversary trip so I won't be able to finish him or work on the others in the unit until I get back.

Friday, May 6, 2011

New methods

I've stripped the paint off those Caesar Modern US Army figures. Since my last attempt to paint them in ACU failed miserably (in my opinion), I've searched high and low for an idea of how to paint ACU on such a small scale. Eventually, I found a method I am going to use and see if it works on this scale.The figures below are 28mm where mine are closer to 20mm.

These are Empress Miniatures US Army miniatures painted by jas as seen on the Ambush Alley Games Forums here

Also, I have the rough shape of four buildings now. I'm not posting any pics until I get all the ones I'm building to a stage that I think is worthy of pictures. Probably right before I start applying the texture to the walls. We'll see.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tale of the Fantasy Painter

My entry for this months Tale of the Fantasy Painter is a unit of 6 Plague Censer Bearers and a unit of 26 Plague Monks. I'm not completely finished with these units.

I still need to add some minor details like color for sores, puss, and runny noses. I also need to put writing on banners and whatever those other guys are carrying.

PLANNED FOR THIS MONTH: Either HPA or Stormvermin. The HPA is scratch built but I'm not finished building it. The Stormvermin are bare plastic. hmmmm decisions.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Building buildings pt 1

I've been building terrain for years. Most of my creations have been thrown away or given away. The biggest loss of terrain came when I sold my store. With it went all  but my most essential terrai, few hills, few forrests, few buildings. With me working on a new game, based in a modern setting, I need terrain for it so here I go.

The first of my Middle Eastern Style buildings was started about a week ago. But it is just a square foam board building, nothing that exciting and quite boring. So, I started working my second, more architecturally challenging, one yesterday. I'm using the same techniques and materials that can be found all over the web for this style of miniature architecture; Foam board, Xacto knife, Steel ruler, Spackle, blah lbah blah. As I get further along I may ad some other items and materials as needed.

Here is the initial pic of my second structure. It is just taped together to see how it all will fit together and how it looks. It will "square up" once I solidify it with glue and put it on a base. I still need to cut out some windows and other openings. Oh and in looking at the picture, I should have put a miniature on the roof or behind the wall or something to show scale. It is about 20mm or 1:72 scale.

Different sort of test!

Well 2 things occurred tonight/today
  1. Osama Bin Laden has been killed. HOORAY!
  2. I've decided to scrap that last model and paint scheme. It was pretty crappy and not up to my usual standard. I'll start on a new one tomorrow.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

US ARMY ACU Painting Test

I finally sat down and put a brush to the Caesar Modern US Army figures. I decided to go with the ACU pattern for their camoflage. It's "technically" their current pattern but it's
getting phased out to make way for Multicam.

I think that the pattern is too dark for ACU and the gloves are too green. I might try another figure tomorrow with a little shade lighter.