Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dystopian Wars Battle Report - Island Grab Pt 2

Turn 2

Prussians gain initiative this turn.

Damaged Gunships press on and fire into the oncoming Assault Carrier. Side note: As the Prussian player, I forgot to assault the island.

E1 (no Pic)
Assault Carrier inched forward. Fired but didn't cause any damage.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dystopian Wars Battle Report - Island Grab


This scenario is built around the idea that there is a fortified island that is vital to the advancement of both nations. The fleets must converge on the island, assault and dispatch the local forces, and then fend of the enemy assault force,


The fortified island, located in the approximate center of the board.



1 x  Emperor Battleship (w/ 5 fighter CAP)
2 x Hussar Gunship
2 x Hussar Gunship
4 x Stolz Destroyers
2 x Pflicht Scout ship
1 x Gewitterwolke Airship (w/ 5 fighter CAP)
1 x Black Wolf


Arriving from the South.

Empire of the Blazing Sun

1 x Sokatsu Dreadnaught (w/ 2 Escorts)
1 x Kiyohime Assault Carrier (w/ 2 Escorts, 1 x Recon Plane, 3 x Torpedo Bombers)
3 x Tanuki Gunships
3 x Yurgi Destroyers
2 x Nakatsu Cruisers
3 x Fujin Corvettes
3 x FujinCorvettes

5 x Fighter Planes
5 x Fighter Planes


Arriving from the North


EotBS won the initiative.

Sneaking around the Eastern island, a squadron of Corvettes move forward.

Squadron of two Hussar Gunships push forward, still out of range.

Destroyers inch forward in the center.

Second group of Gunships ignite the Tesla Generators and press forward. They fire into the oncoming destroyers, sinking the middle one and causing 1HP damage to the next.

Gunships inch forward and retaliate against the Prussian Gunships. Incendiary Rockets cause 2 hits and a Raging Fire Token.

Destroyers head into the fray and fire guns into the oncoming Gunships. They inflict a Critical Hit to the middle one causing 2HP damage and knocking the Generators out.

Cruisers inch forward.

Battleship ignites the Tesla Generator but does not gain enough power to move very much. CAP follows.

Recon plane scouts the western edge of the battle.

The Black Wolf charges up the Echo Generator to create a ghost of its self. Both echoes move forward.

Dreadnaught and Escorts move forward and unload on the Prussian Destroyers with one sinking.

High in the clouds the Airship lumbar over the south-east island. Tesla coils ignite but fail to do any damage to the Blazing Sun Fleet. The airships CAP follows close beside.

Torpedo Bombers speed forward.

Scout ships follow the airships lead.

Assault carrier and escorts creep around the island.

Far west Corvettes move forward.

E10 and E11
Fighter planes soar over the north-east island.
End Phase
The EotBS Gunships repair the Generators but the Prussians fail to put out the Raging Fires. In fact, the inferno is too much for the crew to handle and it increases in size (rolled a 6 for repair and received another RF token)

Turn 2 coming soon...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Broken Ties - Dystopian Wars Battle Report....lost!

Somewhere, somehow, the technology gods decided they did not want me to post the remaining turns and finally of the Broken Ties Battle Report. Magically all the pictures from the battle report had disappeared from my computer and/or the SD card.

I'm almost willing to bet that it was the maniacal machinations of a certain 6 year old that's been usurping my computer for "school work"...uh-huh!

I also was suffering from strep throat last week so no painting was accomplished. Last night, I did manage to prime the newest addition to my fleet... The Black Wolf.

Captain Vladimir Nikonov is what many call a criminal, but he thinks of himself more akin to a pirate of old. He has no allegiance to any nation, and will, for the right payment, bring the full, deadly force of The Black Wolf to a military engagement. A veteran of the Russian Coalition naval forces, Nikonov rose quickly through the ranks, and soon became the chosen Captain to command the latest technological achievement of the Russian Coalition, the Submersible приносящий смерть (Death Bringer).

But on its maiden voyage Nikonov, and his loyal supporters, stole the submersible and vanished. A year later reports of a devastating ‘underwater machine of destruction’ first appeared in a Britannian newspaper following the destruction of a flotilla of KoB warships in the waters around Greenland. Within 6 months the names Nikonov and The Black Wolf would be heard around the world… and death would soon follow.
Hopefully I'll get it painted soon enough.

p.s. I also have base coated all of my airships and inked them.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Prussian Dreadnought

In a mad evening of painting I finished the Prussian Blucher Class Dreadnought. The only thing not completed are insignia or decals. Something I've noticed is that now that I have the colors and techniques for the ships down it takes me no time to knock out the ships. I think it only took me a couple hours to do the 9 Frigates and probably less than 2 hours to complete this behemoth.

 And a pic of the completed fleet so far...

I think next up will be the Pficht Scout Ships - until the Gunships and Destroyers arrive.

Still left to go:
1 - Blucher Dreadnought
3 - Hussar Gunships
3 - Hussar Gunships
3 - Reiver Cruisers
2 - Geier bombers
9 - Arminius frigates
6 - Stolz Destroyers
2 - Phlicht Scoutships
1 - Gewitterwolke Airship
10 - Tiny Flyers

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Prussian Frigates and color pallete

I finished my Frigates last night. But wait.. are they?

While I may say that a model is finished, I really mean that they are to a playable standard. Some peoples playable standards are 3 colors minimum and based accordingly. My playable standard is a subjective term based on....nothing really! These could be classified as finished but there is more I want to do to them.

 In the case of my Prussian Fleet this means  
  1. Primer
  2. Vallejo Medium Grey base coat
  3. Vallejo Black Shade wash
  4. dry-brush with Medium Grey
  5. P3 Bloodstone deck color
  6. GW Devlan Mud Wash
  7. Medium Grey Railings, trim, and rings
  8. Vallejo Black smoke stacks
  9. GW Brazen Brass for pipes
  10. Devlan mud wash on pipes
  11. Folk Art 660 Metallic Pure Gold for coils and conductors
  12. Brazen Brass for other parts of coils and parts
  13. Vallejo Black Wash for Coils and conductors 
  14. Vallejo Black for Flag color
  15. Vallejo White for Flag color
  16. GW Blood Red for Flag color
  17. Vallejo Dark Prussian Blue for electrified Tesla generator
  18. Apple Barrel Bright Blue for electrified Tesla generator
  19. Vallejo White for electrified Tesla generator 
WHEW! That's a lot of colors!

So, here are the Frigates. I still need/want to paint flag colors on them somewhere. and I've decided recently that I want to do Hull Identification numbers.

My next project is the Blucher!

Still left to go:
1 - Blucher Dreadnaught
3 - Hussar Gunships
3 - Hussar Gunships
3 - Reiver Cruisers
2 - Geier bombers
9 - Arminius frigates
6 - Stolz Destroyers
2 - Phlicht Scoutships
1 - Gewitterwolke Airship
10 - Tiny Flyers

Friday, March 2, 2012

Prussian Cruisers

I finished up some more Prussian Ships. This time Reiver Class Cruisers.

I'm playing around with different ways to display the Prussian colors on the ships. I really like the patterns on the top of the smoke stack on the Cruisers, as opposed to the full smoke stack option (on the Gunship below) But this pattern on top of the smoke stack is more difficult to pull off due to there not being any defined lines.

Next painting project are the Frigates...

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Broken Ties (Turn 1)

Broken Ties
A Prussian and Empire of the Blazing Sun Battle Report
The Scenario

While they are allies, occasionally events unfold that test the boundaries of the Prussian Empire and the Empire of the Blazing Sun alliance. Today, was one of those events.

Kaigun Chûjô  Hiroma is carrying secret and precious cargo that just received from the Empress' forward fleet in the Indian Ocean. This cargo HAS to make it back to her Majesty as fast as possible. Hiroma has to make a choice.

Travel through an established Prussian trade route that, according to the Treaty of Chiba, was off limits to the Empress' warships. Or go around the trade route which could add days to the journey home.


Charged with guarding the trade route from attack, Kommodore Wieck received a warning that there were enemy ships on the horizon. Weick scoured his charts looking for the perfect place to strike. He then ordered some of his fleet north and the rest south to converge on the enemy as they approached a small cluster of islands.

Shortly after, Scout Ships report that the enemy ships belonged to the Empress Shizuna, an ally. Kommodore Wieck sent warnings to the opposing fleet stating that they are infringing upon Prussian Trade Routes and to turn back...

The Forces
Fleets were chosen around equal points.

Prussian Empire (P)
1 x Emperor (5 X Torpedo Bombers CAP)
1 x Gewitterwolke (5 X Fighters CAP)
2 x Pflicht Scout Ships
2 x Geier Bombers
2 x Hussar Gunships
2 x Hussar Gunships
2 x Hussar Gunships
4 x Stolz Destroyers
4 x Stolz Destroyers

* a couple notes - The Prussian Navy was using 3 Cruisers as Hussar Gunships and all the Destroyers were represented by Frigates.

Empire of the Blazing Sun (E)
North to South were
3 Fujin Class Corvettes
3 Tanuki Class Gunships 
5 Fighter Planes
1 Recon Plane
Sokotsu Class Battleship
* 1 Kitsune Class Escorts
2 Inari Class Scout Gyros 
3 Yurgi Class Destroyers

Hachiman Class Dreadnought
* 2 Kitsune Class Escorts
4 Uwatsu Class Frigates

4 Uwatsu Class Frigates
3 Fujin Class Corvettes

EotBS was to set up within 8" of short table edge. Prussian Empire randomly deployed min 24" away on long table edges. See below.


The Battle
Turn 1

Three Fujin Corvettes moved straight from the south corner, from East to West. They fired guns at the Prussian Frigates in front of them causing the loss of 1 hull point.

Seeking revenge the Frigates moved forward straight through them. Guns blasted from the front turrets toward the Frigates in the rear, Prussian guns range true as they sunk 1 Frigate and causing 1 HP on another. Prussian Marines hit the air, boarding enemy Corvettes. Two of them taken as prizes.
* During the game the larger plumes, with fire, represented Raging Fire Tokens, 2 HP damage tokens, and in some cases, where a ship had been destroyed. Smaller plumes represented single hits. I'll be working on different style tokes to represent the different effects and AP loss.

The squadron of Uwatsu Frigates in the South moved full bore, lining up perfectly to unleash all barrels on the Prussian Frigates. The barrage sent 3 Prussian Frigates to the bottom of the sea.

Another Prussian retaliatory strike proved fatal for the invading fleet. Of the starting seven EotBS ships  in the southern passage, only three remained afloat and they were under the control of Prussian Marines.

In the Northern Passage, The EotBS Gunships moved slowly forward. Speed was not as important when Rockets and Torpedoes work best at such a long range. The Rockets set both Prussian Gunships ablaze, causing the engines to shutdown (critical hit)  and causing 2 hull points of damage on one and then 1 HP of damage to the other.  

Panic stricken, the Gunship Captain coordinated and ordered their Tesla Generators to fire up giving them a bit of a push forward and then fired main turrets on the incoming Cruisers. With thundering report the gunships only slightly damaged the enemy gunships (1 HP)

Skirting along the northern bank of the south island, a squadron of four frigates press forward.

The second group of Hussar Class Gunships in the north power up their Tesla generators and pushed forward. Firing ahead at the enemy gunships they failed to cause any damage.

A group of 3 Destroyers led the advance through the middle passage. Once vision was cleared of the nearby islands the Destroyers observe a small group of Gunships to the south supporting an Airship. They fire their main guns. The shells penetrate deep within the hull, causing a Fusion Leak and the loss of 2 HP's.

Hussar Gunships to the south limp forward and attempt to fire on the Destroyers but once again fail to hit their mark.

Fujin Corvettes to the north sped forward, past the Tanuki Gunships. They initiated fire support toward the oncoming Prussian Gunships but to no avail.

Obscured by clouds, the Prussian Airship surged forward. Fighters also zipped around the airship as it floated forward. The whole ship crackled with electricity as the fore Tesla Coil energized to fire on the Corvettes. With the target so far below and in the distance the airship only caused 1 HP and 1 AP.

Inari Scout Gyros whirred into action soaring into the clouds and hovering there. They fired rockets into the forward Gunship in the north. 1 HP in damage was done.

To stay within the support range of the Gunships, the captain of the Emperor Battleship ordered the powering up of the Tesla Generator. As it surged forward it fired its forward battery of guns toward the incoming Tanuki Gunships. But as status quo with this arm of the Prussian Navy the Battleship failed to hit the enemy.

Out from the safety of north and south islands the Hachiman, and its escorts, lumbered forward. Rockets soared from the behemoth intended for the airship in the south but missed. A barrage cannon fire lit up the forward enemy Hussar in the north. The Hussar took a Hard Pounding and Loss 2 AP and 2 HP.
Following the rest of the fleet in the north the Bombers fly forward, powered up the fore Tesla Coils, and failed to do any damage.

A lone recon plane soared forward over the north island.

Pflicht Scout ships floated forward to rest next to the bombers. They too unleashed Tesla energy into the forward Fujin Corvettes but, showing up their comrades, actually did 1 HP in damage.

Receiving firing coordinates from the recon plane, the Sokotsu Battleship sent cannon fire in that direction. It failed to hit its mark.

Finally, fighters of the Blazing sun were seen flying over the north island.

In the end phase, all crews worked extra hard to fix every Critical Hit.

Turn 2... Coming soon!

Monday, February 27, 2012


Here are pics of my Prussian WiP. 3 Hussar Gunships and The Emperor. The gunships are missing a turret because the packaging was short 3 turrets. I've sent an email to Spartan, maybe they'll send me the missing ones.

Still left to go:
1 - Blucher Dreadnaught
3 - Reiver Cruisers
2 - Geier bombers
9 - Arminius frigates
2 - Phlicht Scoutships
1 - Gewitterwolke Airship
10 - Tiny Flyers

I am also going to put a pic up on the Prussian color scheme database thread.. Because, even though my scheme is not great, there really should be more images in there!

More to come later, I hope.

Monday, February 6, 2012

it's been a while!

Well this is the first time I've been in the mood to paint anything in a while. I'm painting up some 15mm military figures for a friend.

Here they are:

Since I'm in painting mood again I may start posting again..