This scenario is built around the idea that there is a fortified island that is vital to the advancement of both nations. The fleets must converge on the island, assault and dispatch the local forces, and then fend of the enemy assault force,
The fortified island, located in the approximate center of the board.
1 x Emperor Battleship (w/ 5 fighter CAP)
2 x Hussar Gunship
2 x Hussar Gunship
4 x Stolz Destroyers
2 x Pflicht Scout ship
1 x Gewitterwolke Airship (w/ 5 fighter CAP)
1 x Black Wolf
Arriving from the South.Empire of the Blazing Sun
1 x Sokatsu Dreadnaught (w/ 2 Escorts)
1 x Kiyohime Assault Carrier (w/ 2 Escorts, 1 x Recon Plane, 3 x Torpedo Bombers)
3 x Tanuki Gunships
3 x Yurgi Destroyers
2 x Nakatsu Cruisers
3 x Fujin Corvettes
3 x FujinCorvettes
5 x Fighter Planes
5 x Fighter Planes
Arriving from the NorthTURN 1
EotBS won the initiative.
E1Sneaking around the Eastern island, a squadron of Corvettes move forward.
P1Squadron of two Hussar Gunships push forward, still out of range.
E2Destroyers inch forward in the center.
P2Second group of Gunships ignite the Tesla Generators and press forward. They fire into the oncoming destroyers, sinking the middle one and causing 1HP damage to the next.
E3Gunships inch forward and retaliate against the Prussian Gunships. Incendiary Rockets cause 2 hits and a Raging Fire Token.
P3Destroyers head into the fray and fire guns into the oncoming Gunships. They inflict a Critical Hit to the middle one causing 2HP damage and knocking the Generators out.
E4Cruisers inch forward.
P4Battleship ignites the Tesla Generator but does not gain enough power to move very much. CAP follows.
E5Recon plane scouts the western edge of the battle.
P5The Black Wolf charges up the Echo Generator to create a ghost of its self. Both echoes move forward.
E6Dreadnaught and Escorts move forward and unload on the Prussian Destroyers with one sinking.
P6High in the clouds the Airship lumbar over the south-east island. Tesla coils ignite but fail to do any damage to the Blazing Sun Fleet. The airships CAP follows close beside.
E7Torpedo Bombers speed forward.
P7Scout ships follow the airships lead.
E8Assault carrier and escorts creep around the island.
E9Far west Corvettes move forward.
E10 and E11Fighter planes soar over the north-east island.
End PhaseThe EotBS Gunships repair the Generators but the Prussians fail to put out the Raging Fires. In fact, the inferno is too much for the crew to handle and it increases in size (rolled a 6 for repair and received another RF token)
Turn 2 coming soon...