The deal they made was that B'uran would give us 1,000 credits to get him off the planet. They negotiated that he would give us half now and the other half once he was off the planet. About this time, Skleet was waking up and was wondering where his 200 credits were. We thought he was just still out of it from the sedative but he argued that he told Knosh that it was only 800 credits but in reality there was 1000. Either way, they were all mad at me, except for Tabo. He's been a bit quiet since we arrived on Tatooine, maybe the sand is affecting his breathing apparatus.
While waiting the 24 hours to meet our contact, I decided to offer my medical expertise to those less fortunate of Mos Shuuta. I headed over toward the shantytown area that I saw as we flew over. It took nearly no time at all to notice that most of the impoverished were afflicted with a strange skin disorder. Every few people I ran across seemed to be broken out in small welts and a rash on the left side of their bodies. It only took a few minutes to create a salve and instruct those afflicted how to alleviate the symptoms.
Sometime that evening, I remembered the item that the Besalisk had given me. I pulled the orb out of my pocket and showed it to the group. We were all puzzled as to what it was. When we took it out of its wrapping, we saw that it was brass with etchings all over the surface. It looked as if the orb was multifaceted with moveable plates on the surface. I fiddled with it for a moment, moving different plates across the surface trying to figure out if there was a pattern, but to no avail. I handed it over to Tabo. We each took turns trying to figure it out but couldn't. When Simms was handed the machine, he really thought he could figure it out, but it would take some time.
The next day, while Knosh and Simms met with the contact, Tabo and I went to broker another deal with the junk dealer. Skleet stayed at the ship to "watch" B'uran. While we were trying to figure out who was doing what, all I kept hearing from Skleet is, "Can I sssssshoot him?" I still don't know if he was referring to B'uran or me.
We gathered our credits and headed toward the junk shop. We had gathered that Lt. Herkin was paying 600 credits for the HMRI, we thought that combined we could garner a better amount. Well it turns out that Vorn was a hard aand fast negotiator. We ended up with the HMRI but it cost us 850. We basically had no credits left and, as much as I abhorred the idea, we were banking on Knosh selling the pelts so we could afford our docking fees, fuel, and supplies.Tabo went right to work installing the part on the ship.
From what I gathered, Knosh and Simms had some luck with the contact. Upon entering the cantina, Knosh froze in fear as he noticed that sitting in the booth next to his contact was Lt. Herkin. Knosh tried to casually walk around the Imperial Officer without being noticed, but at that same time, Simms was intently surveying the room, didn't notice the small step leading down to the main floor,
tripped and fell. Everyone, even Lt. Herkin, looked to see who was entering the cantina. So much for a smooth entrance.
GM NOTE: Simms wanted to know what had Knosh frozen so he wanted to look around the room. He failed the roll and rolled a bunch of Threat.
Knosh discreetly asked the contact to step outside where he convinced that he should come to the ship and check out the Wookie pelt cargo. Knosh made an offer to the Rodian that was far less than what Knosh had told us they were worth. He offered to sell them for less than a quarter of what he thinks he could have gotten for them. After inspecting the pelts the contact stating that he needed to talk to Teemo and he'd be back in an hour or so.
Maybe he can tell Knosh is desperate. He/We are after all. Desperate and in a precarious situation. On one hand, we have cargo that Teemo wants, pelts (and B'uran but we'll not discuss that). On the other hand, we procured a ship from the Bounty Hunter he was buying the pelts from. Of course, we didn't kill the Trandoshian, but will Teemo believe us? How else would we have gotten his ship? Will he believe us? No one seems to have heard about the station crash yet. A few of us thought it would be all over the Holo-News but then again, Simms seems to be having difficulty accessing the holonet.
The more I thought about it, the more I needed to clear my head. I went outside the space port offered medical help to some rag tag looking orphans.They too seemed to be afflicted with the rash-like symptoms.
An hour late the Rodian contact arrived at our ship. He told us that he had good news and bad news. We were all so scared and desperate at this point, we didn't care what news we got first. The good news was that Teemo was going to buy the pelts for the asking price. The bad news was that before Teemo purchased the pelts he wanted audience with us, "At your earliest convenience." Simms asked if this was an "invitation" or an "order" The contact merely replied, "What do you think?" We all replied, nearly in unison, "An order." The contact only cocked his head a little to the side, gave a crooked smile, and gave that little, "Whaddya do" hand/shoulder shrug that all gangsters seem to do.
After the contact left, we spent a considerable amount of time arguing about what to do with B'uran. I'm telling you, this Leutenant has gotten Knosh so worked up that none of us can concentrate nor agree on anything.
Knosh wanted to lock B'uran in the holding cell. B'uran refused. Skleet wanted to shoot him. Simms said to take him with us to Teemo. B'uran refused. Tabo was finishing up installing the part so didn't have any input. I suggested leaving him on the ship just in case we need to leave Teemo's palace in a hurry. B'uran could fly over and get us. Well that did not sit well. I tried to convince them that he was was a trust worthy and we should trust him. While it wasn't the most popular decision, we decided that B'uran should stay on the ship. We then loaded the pelts onto a hoverlifter thing, covered a tarp over them, and placed some used droid parts on top. We hoped it was inconspicuous.
When we got to Teemo's palace, the overweight Gamorean guards were arguning about something. Not that I could understand their porcine grunts and squeals, but their head movement and pointing at one another gave me a telling sign. Once they noticed us they tried to snap to attention. The best they could anyway.

As it raised up, a little light shed to the floor and then the hall beyond. What should we find behind? Stormtroopers. Four of them with Lt. Herkin stiffly walking behind. We all kind of freeze in our tracks, but they basically march right past us without a second glance. Curious?
From the hallway beyond was protocal droid that seemed patch worked with a variation of silver and gold parts. He beckoned in and asked us to follow him. He lead us through the dark hallway that lead in a spiral toward the back of the palace. He motioned for us to enter a large but equally dark and musty room with only a few glow rods positioned on pillars here and there. We couldn't seen anything all we heard was...
Hu hu hu hu.....Muah hu hu hu hu. The deep guttural laugh of Teemo the Hutt...
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