Holy shit! This station IS sinking!
It was good thing that on the way to this station I did a bit of research and happened to have a map of the station stored on my data pad. With that, a course to the next, and only, hangar was pretty easy to find.
GM NOTE: Old doc here went to pull up his data pad and try to search for another hangar. He rolled a triumph so I stated that he had already had the map stored and could find a short cut to the hangar.
Right behind me were Knosh and the others. In fact there were probably a few times during our run that Knosh pulled ahead of me. He seemed more panicked than the rest of us and was looking for an escape pod. Poor guy. It seemed that everyone he found, was already taken or that the entry doors were stuck. I guess that happens in a dilapidated space station. which made him panic even more.
"T minus 2 minutes until emergency orbital reentry"

For a few seconds, a few of our group hesitated about taking the ship. Tabo in particular was opposed to it. The idea of stealing a ship was a bit out of his comfort zone. I tried to explain that we'd eventually find the owner, or a relative, or someone to return the ship to once we were safely off this station.
GM NOTE: My entire group took additional Obligation for character creation. Instead of explaining what it was at character creation I told them all that it would come up in the first session. This is it. Before taking the ship, I warned my players that there are options (escape pods) instead of stealing the ship. If they stole the ship it, their "additional" obligation would be Criminal. While some did not want to be criminal, they ultimately decided that it was worth it.
"T minus 1 minute 30 seconds until emergency orbital reentry"
With that, Tabo ran on board. Knosh attempted to take off but soon realized that the landing gear would not retract, and we could not take off. Tabo quickly did a computer diagnostic to find that the ship was held in place by docking clamps which held the ship in place for repairs... Or something like that.
Just then I heard a knock on the landing door. Then another, then a steady beating. Then I heard Knosh's voice over the intercom, "Unlock the docking clamps and we'll let you in." The beating continued. Confused, and I'll admit, a bit scared, I pressed the button the lower the boarding ramp.
GM NOTE: Knosh saw the Trandoshan ahead of time, but refused to tell anyone.
"T minus 1 minute until emergency orbital reentry"

intense agony.
I don't know what happened in the next few seconds but it seems like Skleet, Simms, and the Trandoshian fired off a few shots each other. In the chaos of blaster fire, heard someone yell as though they were hit. I also saw/felt a bunch of sparks rain down as someone missed and hit the ships interior. All the while, Tabo was attempting to slice into the stations computer to release the docking clamps.
"T minus 30 seconds until emergency orbital reentry"
With a jerk, the ship suddenly took off. I guess Tabo finally succeeded and the docking clamps released. I can just imagine Knosh up in the pilots seat, feverishly manning the controls to see if he can "will" the ship to fly and then when the clamps were released, the ship jolted into the air.
As far as the fire fight, as the ship jerked up, the lower edge of the boarding ramp clipped the trandoshan on the bottom of his chin. knocking him down and sliding down the floor of the hangar.
GM NOTE: Tabo rolled a Triumph to slice the station computer and release the docking clamps. Thus the cinematic ending to the firefight. Would this be the last time we see Trex, the Trandoshan Bounty Hunter?
As we flew out of the hangar I could see the exterior of the station begin to glow red as peices started breaking off. By the time we cleared the station it was mostly engulfed in a red firey glow and breaking up. Just then, I noticed something small and white shoot off from the station at a strange angle. Something just tells me that we won't see the end of that Trandoshan.
As we get settled and try to figure out what to do next, chaos erupted. First was the smell. Permeating the ship was a thick smell of what I can only describe as a mix of wet dog mixed with rotted meat. IT nearly caused me to vomit more than once. Then was noise. Over the PA erupts this horrendous screeching porcine sound and a blaring klaxon. I think I immediately went into panic mode thinking we were "sinking"
It turns out that there was a bunch of things going on in the ship. Low fuel, damaged something or other that keeps us from going into Hyperspace (I'm not a mechanic so I have no clue what Tabo was talking about), the smell, and a prisoner.
The smell... A half dozen wookie pelts hidden in a secret compartment in the main cargo hold. Knosh thinks he can sell for a relatively large amount on the black market. Which I am opposed to by the way, he should just get rid of them. The stench won't go away until their off the ship.
The prisoner... Without going into too much detail. The Trandoshan was a bounty hunter who recently captured the "militant" Twi'lek, B'uran B'an to take to a Hutt. B'uran doesn't really know why he's being taken to a Hutt but doesn't want to go. He is currently resting in the crew quarters.
The Sounds... a repulsive Gamorrean Opea. Who would have thought that they attempt music. repulsive.
GM NOTE: I didn't go into a lot of detail here as to what all happened to my group just in case there are people out there that haven't read and want to play/run in the "A Long Arm of the Hutt" adventure, which is available on the Fantasy Flight Website. I've changed the Twi'lek's prisoner's background and goals a bit to fit my campaign. I also changed the fact that the HMRI was never repaired
When we finally get settled, we decide to head toward Tatooine. Mos Shuuta to look up a Teemo the Hutt. It seems we have something he is interested in
Tabo enters the coordinates for Tatooine into the navicomputer. Knosh engages the hyperdrive, stars turn into star-lines and we are off....
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