This is my first post in a while because…. Well, I haven’t really done any gaming in what seems like forever. With Star Wars Edge of the Empire RPG on the horizon this will all change soon. In fact, the Core Book, the GM’s Pack, and Beginner game should all be on my doorstep sometime next week. I hope. I tell ya, I can’t wait! I’m as giddy as my 5 year old before his birthday party!
The plan is to start my campaign shortly after they finish up this current epic adventure, set in the universe of Marvel Super Heroes. Yes, the classic 80’s RPG. Sadly, I am not playing in that one, but the few sessions I’ve watched, it seems awesome!
In the meantime, I am slowly and carefully building my campaign. This campaign is to be a yearlong epic adventure mixed with intrigue, deception, bounty hunting and the shady underworld of a galaxy far far away. While I don’t want to give too many spoilers away, I do want to set the hook.
I have sort of adapted my overarching plot from a classic literary tale of action, adventure, and treachery. Not saying what it is yet. Some people may get it right away, others may not.
The story starts off by the characters congregating on a space station waiting for an old friend. While waiting, there’s a terrible accident, pirates attack, and the PC’s acquire an ancient relic. They are not told what the relic is, but as the dying man hands it to them he warns them of an impending doom and to keep the relic safe.

Also, my hope is to blog about each session/adventure and possible post my session/adventure notes in coherent form for anyone else out there in the web-i-shpere to play.
Coming up, the players and characters…
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