Haven't posted on here in a while, but I started a BRAND NEW campaign and want to share. Maybe I'll have time to continue this one, unlike some of my previous campaigns.
Bjorn and Gandr are both “giant-kin” and are traveling together by sea. Gandr is a child whose parents were recently killed and is now in the care of his uncle, Bjorn.
Andron, the Orc, was on his way back from an outpost to find his village ravaged by plague. With nowhere to call home he took to the road.
They all descend upon a small Nordic-esque fishing village.
The two giant-kin arrive by trade ship from the north. Once docked, a member of
the ship’s crew frantically yells something to captain in a foreign tongue then points towards the village. The captain pulls out a telescope and spies the area. He drops the telescope and begins barking orders to his crew. The crew quickly ushers the passengers
off the ship, raises the gangplank and rushes the ship back out to sea. The
other two players enter the town from different ends, one from the east and the
other from the south.
As all players enter the village they soon realize that
there are no people in the village. Intermittently they run across buildings
and homes that have large red X’s painted on their doors. It doesn't take them
long to realize that this town has been afflicted by a plague. As the
individuals attempt to find the center of town, they stumble across one
another. After introductions and a brief discussion, they decide that there may
be survivors holed up in a church or some other building in the center of town
and head that way.
They soon enter the town’s center, a large open “square”
with a large statue in its center and what
looks to be a large meeting or
banquet hall. After many attempts to knock or gain the attention from someone
inside they realize that the thick wooden double doors are barred from the
inside. Does this dissuade our group from trying to enter… heck no!
Upstairs, Renholder and Bjorn hear moans and groans as if the
place were haunted by some malevolent spirit. Despite this, something about the noises did not seem quite right.
“Yoooooouuuuuuu must leeeeeeeave” the voice cried. “Ooooooorrrrrrrr be
cuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrsed, for a thooooooouuuuuuusaaaaaaannnnnd years!”
The acolyte did not believe that what he was hearing was as it
appeared. He then attempted to talk to whatever was making the noise. Eventually,
he convinced it to come out of hiding to find that it was a pre-teen girl. They soon found out that her name is Brunhilde. She is the daughter
of the cooks of this feast hall. She was pretending to be a ghost to scare away intruders. She is the sole
survivor of the town. And finally, the town has been plagued for hundreds of
years (of course, they didn’t believe this).
After that, the group decided to head to the basement. They
asked the girl to stay in the attic until they came back. Andron stood watch at
the bottom of the stairs while, the rest ventured down. The basement was a
wine/ale cellar with barrels and barrels filling the dank room. Upon closer
inspection, Renholder saw that one of the barrels has been
moved more recently than any of the others. He slid the barrel a little,
following the previous pattern in the dust. This triggered a slight click in
the wall behind and opened a door to darkness beyond.
It was at this time, Bjorn and Gandr noticed the light green
glow of Renholder’s eyes. They tried to question it, but the slick tongue of
the acolyte quickly diverted their attention. Venturing into the darkness they
notice that the walls are not like that of the previous room. These walls
seemed to have a strange patchwork covering. Closer inspection led them to find
that the walls were covered with skin. Patches of human skin in fact, stretched
and tacked to the walls from floor to ceiling.
Gandr, being as young as he is, couldn’t handle the macabre
scene and fled upstairs. Bjorn and Renholder continued their investigation.
Scrawled on the floor was a large intricate diagram of circles and lines within
a greater circle. At each intersecting line looked to be pools of dried blood
and at the
diagrams center looked to be the remains of a desiccated corpse. At
the far end of the room was a table with various tools and utensils, assumed to
be used in the creation of the grotesque wallpaper, a book shelf with a few “trophies” and books of strange origin and language. Our group could not let such a place of diabolical evil continue to exist. With righteous abandoned they decided to purge this unholy site from the earth. Bjorn and Renholder broke apart the bookshelf and table and set the place ablaze.
Renholder ran upstairs to rescue Brunhilde but was stopped
in his tracks when she wouldn’t leave. She appeared to be scared and felt that
this was the only place she was safe. After a bit, she reached for Renholder’s
hand. Although hesitant at first, he gave in, grabbed her hand, and headed
downstairs towards the front of the great hall. Meanwhile, Bjorn ensured that
Gandr was safe and pulling it together. The two giant-kin and the orc ran
outside as smoke began to bellow from the stairwell.

Meanwhile, Andron notices some dark humanoid figure moving
toward them from the opposite side of the town square. As the creature got closer
he saw that it must be some Demon spawn as it had short brown fur covering its
body, cloven feet and a head of a horned goat. The thing bellowed and began to
charge. Bjorn and Andron met the foul beast in the square.
With outstretched hand, Renholder reached for Brunhilde. She
held out her hand but as the acolyte went to grasp, his hand slipped right
through her incorporeal form. He silently mourned for the moment it took her to tell him her story. He learned that she was the very first sacrificial victim which let loose the plague and brought the horned beasts upon the town. The flames engulfed the building as Brunhilde faded
from view. Renholder ran to help defeat the fetid beast, hit it once, then switched his attention to a previously unseen ship in the harbor.
Seeing the horde of beastmen on the group’s tail, the captain ordered his men to the ready and help the group embark. The ship then sets sail as the horde of beastmen flood the dock and spill over into dark harbor waters.
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