I have decided to narrate this Act through the eyes of our scoundrel, Knosh. It should offer a different perspective on the group and their dealings. I'd like to eventually tell parts of the story from all players perspectives, but who knows.
Also, there wasn't really much in the way of GM notes to include. there were a lot of failed rolls, most of which will not be noticed by Knosh, so it was left out.
So here we go....
We land on Formos and I still don't trust this Twi'lek. Maybe it's not so much that I don't trust him, but instead its the fact that's he's tricked that other Twi'lek, the doctor, into believin his story. That doctor, by the way, is keepin us from collectin the bounty on B'uran. I just need to find away to... Then it hits me. Skleet hates him to, well maybe he don't hate 'im, but he'd be easy enough to manipulate into helpin me collect those creds.
When we land, I tell our ol' buddy B'uran that it was nice doin business with him. I collect the other 500 creds he owes me, tip my hat and send him on his way. He leaves and we debate about the Twi'lek a little more but nothin really comes of it. As the rest of our group was leavin the ship, I pull Skleet to the side. I tell him of my plan to hunt down B'uran ,either kill him or not, doesn't matter, load him in the secret compartment of the Fang and haul his butt back to Teemo. I told Skleet that after I/we collected the bounty, I'd gladly toss him about 800 creds. He fell for it and agreed to hunt the Twi'lek muttering (if lizards mutter) about Jagonnath Points or somethin.

shows by his rock steady negotiation skills. Despite his over pricing of the water, my throat is parched and I buy his remainin ten bottles and distribute them to our group, even that backstabbin doc.
We walk into space port control room to ask some questions. It's clear that the tech operatin the control tower isn't up to snuff on the comings and goings of the space port but we slide him a few creds and low and behold it's his break time. He exits the room for a few minutes while Tabo messes with the computers and finds a video of our two droids leavin a ship yesterday afternoon.
We decided to look around this rock when we happened to see a small squad of Storm Troopers patrolling the town. We quickly find our way into the cantina to avoid them at all cost. Directly inside we find a holo projection of a local Aqualish thug and a sizeable bounty on his head by the Empire. I kind of cringe a little when I think about the Empire. Anyway, the place is kind of crowded, all listening to a Kloo horn player on stage. But it's not so crowded that we can't find a seat.
A few minutes pass and I go to the bar tender, the Bith who own's the place, and start askin questions about the droids and what not. Of course, he doesn't know anything, I thought a few creds would loosen his tongue a bit, but they didn't. Instead the credits offered attracted someone who was more in the know.
A Devaronian approached us a few minutes later an offered to give us some info on Formos, the droids, the Aqualish, and the Imperial presence here. Toward the end of our information gathering session, the crowd in the room got quiet. I looked to see what was goin on and a rather elegant lookin Rodian gal walks in. Once she sits at the bar, most of the patrons go back to enjoyin the smooth swingin sounds of the Kloo horn. Our female friend also attracts the attention of a couple of local thugs.
Not liking the harrassment, our Bothan politico, decides to go and save our fair maiden. Me, and the rest the Krayt Fang crew, watch in amazement as he sure didn't show this much courage in front of Teemo. We are too far away to hear the conversation but to our amazement, yell something threatening and leave the bar. Hmph, go figure!
I can see that our furry friend is stumblin his words to the lady, so I decide to step in and offer some guidance. Once in the conversation, I find out that she is lookin for the droid too and is willing to pay some creds for the information... Just want I wanted to hear! Oh, and she's looking for a lost relative... Or someone... I didn't really pay much attention after she offered me cash.
From here we sort of went separate ways for a bit. I decided to follow the Rodian gal and talk to her privately about B'uran and asked her to keep an eye out. Skleet goes out into town to look for B'uran. The doc does whatever a doctor does on a small isolated planet. Tabo also goes about town. I did learn later that Tabo finds the protocol droid that was travelin with our droid, or should I say what was left of him. Tabo couldn't get much outta of the poor thing except that they were ambushed by some thugs. Tabo, bein the mechanical wiz that he is, took something from the droid that he could play back and get more info about what happened. (computer technical poodoo)
At some point in the evening, while I was talkin to the Rodian, the doc, Tabo, and the Wookie start tailin a Toydarion through town. I don't know if they were tryin to be all quiet and secretive, but they were being loud while doin it. Guess I'll find out what they are doin later...
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