GM NOTE: I use the image of Oskara, the pregenerated character from the EotE Beginner Box to represent Sheva'asta and Teva'asta, twin Twi'lek Bounty Hunters . Because she just looks bad ass!
I knew B'uran was up to something and that damn Doc of ours let him go! Damn it!
About the time Skleet meets me back at the cantina, Tabo comes over the comm. He, Yaura, and Novus found out some interesting news. First, the droid we are looking for is there. Second, that fluttering womprat they were following sold us out to those thugs that were harassing that Rodian princess. Speaking of which, where did our Bothan go? Oh well. Me and Skleet head to the warehouse where those three goon were holed up.
We debated for a few minutes about what we were gonna do,and we decided to storm the warehouse, against all of my arguments against it. Finally I decided that if they want to march in and get killed they can, I'll wait outside.
Skleet charged into the warehouse yelling and firing into the building. He was trying to scare the three into dropping their weapons so we wouldn't have to fight them. After all, if our Bothan peace talker can talk these guys out of a fight, surely our ferocious Trandoshan can. From what he told me after the battle, it worked on one of them. Apparently, a Weekquay thug had...ummm...lost his confidence, so to speak, all down the front of his pants. He then just stood there, arms in the air, unable to move. Skleet caught the others by surprise, but didn't keep them long enough and a firefight broke out.
From what I gathered from my perspective was that, Yaura charged into the warehouse next trying to get to the droid. He tripped over a cable or something along the way, looking like he could be a member of the Corellian Comedy Network as he stumbled and tumbled to the droid. In hindsight, what made it funnier was that I think he was trying to take cover behind the droid. Picture it, a huge walking fuzzball, crouched behind an astromech droid.
GM NOTE: I'm not going into a round by round write up like I do later, but I will note that Yaura took a critical injury Bowled Over and Nov'us also suffered a critical injury, Sudden Jolt.
Tabo got in close to the leader of the group and started trading blows with his pike. The Doc was trying to administer stims to Skleet, and Yaura attemtped unhooked the droid from the computer/datapad and by "unhook" I mean the Wookie way of ripping and pulling until it comes loose.
Seeing as they need my help, I take a shot through the door and yell, "BACK UP JUST ARRIVED!" Naturally it turned the tide of the battle in our favor! The urine soaked Weequay took off out the back door, and the others paused just long enough so that Tabo and Skleet could get in well placed blows and end the battle.
The contents of the warehouse were primarily crates and crates of small plastic bowls, which of course I could find a market for if we had the time and space on the ship. But in the "recreation" area of the building we found some usefull items. The wookie grabbed a heavy Repeating Blaster rifle and energy packs. He looked kind of amazed and confused by it at the same time. I hope he knows how to use it. We also found some tools, some creds, stun grenades, and a backpack. I tried to not let Tabo have the burden of carrying the backpack, but he insisted in keeping it and not looking through it until we get to the ship.
While we were scouring the warehouse for items we could use, Tabo was hacking into the datapad
and droid. The droid had a restraining bolt which I absolutely refused to let anyone take off. Do you believe that Twi'lek Doc of ours was spouting off about how a restraining bolt are just another form of chains to enslave a "lesser" beings by dominant, blah blah blah! Tabo, gets into the computer and says he found something that means something to someone other than me, so I let him ramble on but don't pay much attention.
We decide to take the droid, restrained of course, to the ship and then take the restraining bolt off and see what we can learn. I don't know who's idea it was to let the Wookie and the Trandoshan carry the droid but was that more trouble than it was worth. They fought, the struggled, they pushed and prodded, growled and hissed the ENTIRE walk back to the ship. Oh, and on the way back to the ship, we stumble upon our Bothan.
GM NOTE: While the Trandoshan and the Wookie did role play the struggle of transporting the droid well enough, I wish I would have given them some Strain to simulate the frustration of having to work with a hated enemy. I will next time.
As if our day couldn't get any worse when we get back to the ship, guess who is eyeballing our ship? That's right, those twin Twi'leks. Luckily they haven't seen us yet. We take a few minutes to figure out how to approach them. We set Yaura, and his new found toy, up in a pile of crates, in case things go bad. Behind him, in the shadows, we leave the Doc and the droid, We all threaten the Doc with his life if he removes the restraining bolt, he said he wouldn't but I don't trust him.
Me, Skleet, and Tabo walk up to the male Twi'lek. I ask if I can help him and why he's looking at our ship. He says that he wondering if this ship belongs to some people he had ran into in the past. About that time, I see his sister, creeping around the back of the ship, as if to get the drop on us. I pull my blaster on her and tell her to hold on. The male smiles and draws carbine on me.
This may have been a bad call on my part!
A shot comes from behind me at hits the Female Twi'lek, clearly disorienting her for a moment. It must have been Skleet as revenge for the damage she did to him back at the space station. No sooner than Skleets shot blasts by me, the male Twi'lek blasts me in the chest. It doesn't take me out but seriously hurts. His shot winds me, I fire back but miss horribly. Tabo runs up smacks the male with his force pike, hurts a little but more importantly dislodges the carbine from his grip and it falls to the ground. The Bothan attempts to shoot the male but misses then takes off running into the ship. I don't know what Yaura or the Doc did.
ROUND 1 - Skleet shoots Sheva'asta, crit's with a Stunned result. Teva'asta shoots Knosh in the chest taking him to his Wound Threshold. Knosh misses. Tabo runs up and hits Teva'asta and disarms him. Novus and Yaura wait. Simms shoots at Sheva'asta but misses and then runs to ship.
Skleet fires of another round at the female and hits her again, toppling her over some crates. The male must have had a hidden knife or something, because in a blink of an eye, Tabo is sliced across the chest. The male over extended which allowed Tabo to hit him in the back of the neck with the pike. While the Twi'leks are occupied I run into the ship and man the ventral laser cannon and try to fire at the female. I miss of course. All of a sudden, the sky lights up with a hail of heavy blaster bolts. Yaura fires the heavy blaster rifle at the female. He too is not very good at firing heavy weaponry and misses his target. He does, however, manage to hit the bottom of the Fang casting down a shower of sparks concealing the female for a brief moment. Doc runs up to be closer to the fray. He pulls out a stun grenade and launches it at the female. I don't know what happened but it never went off and merely knocked her in the head. All of a sudden, the engines to the Fang ignite. What the hell!?!
ROUND 2 - Skleet shoots Sheva'asta. Teva'asta pulls out vibro knife and slices Tabo. Tabo hits Teva'asta. Knosh runs into gunnery chair shoots at Sheva'asta and misses, Sheva'asta shoots Skleet. Simms runs to cockpit and randomly punches buttons to ignite the ship's Engine. He rolls a Despair which I will hold until later. Yaura fires the rifle. Not ever firing a Heavy Blaster Rifle before, he is surprised at the Auto Fire. He hits the ship causes rain of sparks that conceals Sheva'asta. Doc tried to throw stun grenade at Sheva, it fails to explode but does manage to hit her in the head causing a moment of destraction.

I exit the gunner's chair and take off running to get to the cockpit to see what happen. When I get there I see that idiot Bothan just pushing buttons and pulling levers. I hope he didn't damage anything. I push him out of the way and shut the engines down. I hear more blaster fire outside. Through the cockpit glass, I see a stream of light shoot from near by and head into the sky.
ROUND 3 - Knosh runs to cockpit and shuts off engines. Sheva launches some sort of rocket or something into the air. Skleet shoots
Sheva'asta apparently taking her out. Tabo and Teva'asta trade blows again. Simms attempts to shoot from the boarding ramp but Teva'asta but misses. Yaura attempts to lift and carry the droid but fails to get a good hand hold. Nov'us maneuvers closer to the battle.
When I get back to the gunner's chair, I see the female has been taken down. Yaura is trying to lift the droid. He couldn't do it at the warehouse I don't know why he's trying now. I swing the laser cannon's around and try to target the Twi'leks ship, hoping that slimeball B'uran is in it. But there are a few ships between it and us so I can't get a clear shot off. Tabo and the male are trading blows but then Tabo falls when the male stabs him in the lower back. The Doc runs up and revives Tabo.
ROUND 4 - Skleet tries to hit Teva'asta amid the melee but misses. Simms runs to boarding ramp yells commands to bolster the group but fails. Tabo hits Teva'asta, who in turn stabs him and crits with a Stunned result. Tabo goes down. Knosh runs into the Gunnery cockpit again and tries to shoot at the ship that he things B'uran is on, but can not get a clear shot. Doc runs to Tabo heals, Yaura attempts to lift droid, but fails.
I lose sight of Skleet for a second when I see the Doc fall by the male Twi'lek's vibro-knife. I panic, even though I don't like the slimy bastard I still need him. I jolt outta of the ship kneel besides the Doc, grab a medkit and apply it to the Doc, who in turn ,gets up survey's the area and hobbles toward the wookie. Tabo clocks the male again in such away that his knife flies from his hand and slides across the ground. I don't know what happens but Yaura gets the strength and heaves the droid onto his shoulder and starts lumbering toward the ship.
ROUND 5 - I don't remember what Skleet did this round. Teva'asta stabs Nov'us, critting him and taking him above his Wound Threshold. He had suffered a Critical Injury in the warehouse battle, so the first crit was +20 (Vicious 1 and 1 previous Crit) and the second one, for going above his Wound Threshold was +30. We all held our breath as I rolled the critical. He ended up with AgonizingWound and Hamstrung. I was surprised he didn't end up with worse! Tabo hits Teva'asta, doesn't do damage but gets enough advantage to disarm him. After Knosh heals the Doc, Nov'us runs to the Wookie yells, "The Trandoshan would have already picked this thing up and carried it to the ship!" then shoots him with a Stim Pack. Yaura succeeds with a Triumph and gets an extra maneuver to get closer to the ship.
The male Twi'lek picks up his carbine, he and Skleet exchange shots. Skleet misses but the Twi'lek hits Skleets weapon
causing it to short out and useless. Tabo hits the male again causing him to double over. As Yaura lumbers forward, he drops the droid and picks up the vibro-knife. When he gets close enough he plants the knife into the back of the remaining twi'lek.
ROUND 6 - Skleet finally has a clear shot at Teva'asta and misses who in turn misses Skleet, but rolls enough advantage to hit Skleets carbine and cause it to malfunction.Tabo runs to Teva'asta and hits him again. Yaura gets the maneuver, spends the strain to get another maneuver, then attacks Teva'asta sending the battle damaged Twi'lek to the ground. This was a crazy combat. it seemed like no one was really hitting except for me, and i was rolling Triumphs like crazy! Although, looking back and doing this write up I see that the group was hitting more than it first appeared. Only Knosh and Simms were really having trouble hitting.
For the moment, it appears we have won the battle...
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