The bulbous slimy Hutt hovered toward us on his pillow covered
throne. I was scared. Knosh seemed like he was about to wet himself. While not
as apparent, the others were probably just as scared as the rest of us. Teemo
said something in Huttese, but since none of us understood, we just stood
there. He uttered a few louder and maybe angrier words toward the protocol
droid. The protocol droid snapped
to attention and apologized for not
The protocol droid stepped up and stated that Teemo wanted
to know how we procured the pelts. Knosh, sort of pushed Simms forward and said
something like, "Let our leader tell you." All eyes were on Simms but
Simms was silent. He clamored for words for a few minutes while Teemo waited,
rather impatiently. He eventually burped up the words Wookie pelts, Trandoshan,
or something. Realizing that he didn't know what to say, he tried to pass the
gauntlet to Skleet to explain what happened.