The protocol droid stepped up and stated that Teemo wanted
to know how we procured the pelts. Knosh, sort of pushed Simms forward and said
something like, "Let our leader tell you." All eyes were on Simms but
Simms was silent. He clamored for words for a few minutes while Teemo waited,
rather impatiently. He eventually burped up the words Wookie pelts, Trandoshan,
or something. Realizing that he didn't know what to say, he tried to pass the
gauntlet to Skleet to explain what happened.
Run an RPG campaign to its completion... What's that? Stay involved with a miniature game for more than a few months.. Huh?!? Hey that game looks cool! Squirrel!?!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Simple Possession Act 2 (pt 3)
Friday, August 16, 2013
Simple Possession Act 2 (pt 2)

The deal they made was that B'uran would give us 1,000 credits to get him off the planet. They negotiated that he would give us half now and the other half once he was off the planet. About this time, Skleet was waking up and was wondering where his 200 credits were. We thought he was just still out of it from the sedative but he argued that he told Knosh that it was only 800 credits but in reality there was 1000. Either way, they were all mad at me, except for Tabo. He's been a bit quiet since we arrived on Tatooine, maybe the sand is affecting his breathing apparatus.
Simple Possession Act 2 (pt 1)
Last night was another session of my campaign. It was so awesome. As I told my players afterwards that the story is going along so much better than I had planned and each on of them are placing little plot hooks here and there that will make the over all story just amazing. To our dismay, our Wookie pilot did not attend. He promised he would be there next time.
GM NOTE and SPOILERS: For this Act, I used the setting of Mos Shuuta as laid out in the Beginner Box Set. I presented the adventure sort of backwards than intended. As written, the PC's are trying to escape Mos Shuuta and Teemo, in my game they are trying to gain audience with him but are also still trying to find the Hyper Matter Reactor Ignitor and fix the Krayt Fang. I originally did not plan on using the imperial presence of Lt. Herkin and the Stormtroopers as laid out in the Beginner Adventure but because of Obligation I decided to throw them in with a little different story hook than is in the Beginner game.
What else? Ah, B'uran. The Tw'lek who was Trex's bounty. I have changed his back story around a bit, I can't really say how just yet, but he is still wanted by Teemo and ads a lot of inter-character intrigue to the session. As you'll see.
So here we go, Simple Possession Act 2, as told by our noble doctor No'vus Waravan...
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Idiot's Array.
In perusing the Fantasy Flight Games Edge of the Empire forums last week, I stumbled upon a post by Zev Linare asking for peeps to join his play by post (pbp) game. This peaked my interest and I joined. I've never played in a pbp game before and thought it would be a fun way for me to play the game without having to devote another night of the week to gaming. From what I understand I only have to make a single post per day in the games forum (hosted by and that shouldn't take too much time (which is scarce these days). You can read about Zev's campaign and all of our exploits at Star Wars: Idiots Array
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Simple Possession Act I (pt 2)
"T-minues 2 minutes 30 seconds until emergency orbital reentry"
Holy shit! This station IS sinking!
It was good thing that on the way to this station I did a bit of research and happened to have a map of the station stored on my data pad. With that, a course to the next, and only, hangar was pretty easy to find.
Right behind me were Knosh and the others. In fact there were probably a few times during our run that Knosh pulled ahead of me. He seemed more panicked than the rest of us and was looking for an escape pod. Poor guy. It seemed that everyone he found, was already taken or that the entry doors were stuck. I guess that happens in a dilapidated space station. which made him panic even more.
Holy shit! This station IS sinking!
It was good thing that on the way to this station I did a bit of research and happened to have a map of the station stored on my data pad. With that, a course to the next, and only, hangar was pretty easy to find.
GM NOTE: Old doc here went to pull up his data pad and try to search for another hangar. He rolled a triumph so I stated that he had already had the map stored and could find a short cut to the hangar.
Right behind me were Knosh and the others. In fact there were probably a few times during our run that Knosh pulled ahead of me. He seemed more panicked than the rest of us and was looking for an escape pod. Poor guy. It seemed that everyone he found, was already taken or that the entry doors were stuck. I guess that happens in a dilapidated space station. which made him panic even more.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Simple Possession Act 1 (pt 1)
The anticipation has been building and building within my group for weeks now and finally the campaign gets underway. All but our Wookie Pilot were present (which ended up hindering the group just a bit). Everyone seemed to have a great time, there was one person in the group that didn't play during my beta of Edge of the Empire campaign. He picked up on the mechanics quickly and enjoyed the systems as much as the rest of us...
Below is a narrative of what happened through the eyes of our Twi'lek Doctor.
Below is a narrative of what happened through the eyes of our Twi'lek Doctor.
Occasionally I may add GM notes if it's something significant to the mechanics of the session. If so, they will be indented white text with gray background.Here we go...
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