Last night was another session of my campaign. It was so awesome. As I told my players afterwards that the story is going along so much better than I had planned and each on of them are placing little plot hooks here and there that will make the over all story just amazing. To our dismay, our Wookie pilot did not attend. He promised he would be there next time.
GM NOTE and SPOILERS: For this Act, I used the setting of Mos Shuuta as laid out in the Beginner Box Set. I presented the adventure sort of backwards than intended. As written, the PC's are trying to escape Mos Shuuta and Teemo, in my game they are trying to gain audience with him but are also still trying to find the Hyper Matter Reactor Ignitor and fix the Krayt Fang. I originally did not plan on using the imperial presence of Lt. Herkin and the Stormtroopers as laid out in the Beginner Adventure but because of Obligation I decided to throw them in with a little different story hook than is in the Beginner game.
What else? Ah, B'uran. The Tw'lek who was Trex's bounty. I have changed his back story around a bit, I can't really say how just yet, but he is still wanted by Teemo and ads a lot of inter-character intrigue to the session. As you'll see.
So here we go, Simple Possession Act 2, as told by our noble doctor No'vus Waravan...
We exited hyperspace outside Tatooine. We were still a ways out when we noticed a Star Destroyer in orbit. Most of us thought this was odd considering Tatooine is so far away from anything interesting. With us being on a stolen ship though, we all thought it was a good idea to avoid direct contact with the Imperial vessel. Despite us avoiding the ship, it still had tremendous impact on us as a whole. It seemed like once we saw the Star Destroyers the tension and nerves ramped up so high that all of us were ready to snap, especially Knosh.
GM NOTE: I rolled a 44 on the Obligation Roll. So Knosh was the target. I pulled him aside and told him that he got a very bad feeling (based on so many dark side points in the Destiny Pool) that those Destroyers may be for him. That the customs officer that let him slide that one time, may be on Tatooine. I also gave him incentive telling him that if he role-played it well enough to justify the other members suffering strain, I'd give him bonus xp. Oh my god, did he! It was awesome! Also, another note about obligation, I know the book states every session role Obligation, but here is just didn't make sense. I decided I'm going to role Obligation at the beginning of every Act. Some Acts may span two sessions, some may not. But for my game it makes more sense.
It didn't take long for us to find Mos Shuuta. As we were circling the city though, Knosh started to sweat a little and began muttering crap about the "imperial presence," Apparently he noticed it first, but in one of the only two space ports was a Lambda Class Imperial Shuttle.
Before landing, we started arguing about what and how we would accomplish what needed to be done in Mos Shuuta. When all was said and done, there were three things we needed to accomplish.
- Fix the Hypermatter something or other. This was Tabo's job, he knew what he was doing.
- Arrange a meeting with Teemo.
- Avoid all Imperial interactions (number 1 on Knosh's list)
Of course meeting with Teemo is not what I wanted. Knosh and Skleet had it on their minds to sell the Wookie pelts and to collect the bounty on B'uran. Both ideas were absolutely appalling to me as 1) Wookies are a sentient being, not to be hunted and prized for their pelts. 2) B'uran is a leader in my world, he is a spokesperson for the underprivileged and only wants to serve our people. He should not be turned over to a Hutt simply for monetary gain. B'uran was still locked in the crew quarters so I just let it be for now.
The spaceport operator landed guided us to land without issue but unable to deal with each other, we separated to get done what needed to be done. Knosh went to a cantina to set out feelers to get a meeting with Teemo. Tabo and Simms went to a junk shop to try to find an HRMI that we needed. Because of our arguments about what to do with B'uran, I stayed behind ( I felt to protect him), as did Skleet, who was particularly cautious of B'uran and extremely vocal about him not being a person but an "Acquisition." I guess that makes him sleep better at night.
After those three went about their business, I decided to visit and learn more about our "prisoner," B'uran. When I opened the door, he jumped and shoved his hands in his pockets suspiciously. I tried to interrogate him to find out what he was hiding, but it's not my strong suit. I really think I just startled him. Skleet on the other hand became even more on guard. He was standing outside the closed door, no doubt with his carbine pointed at the door.
GM NOTES/SPOILERS: This is funny. What they catch B'uran doing is stashing 1000 credits into his pockets. As stated in the Long Arm of the Hutt adventure, the PC will find 1000 credits in the crew quarters if they search it. They didn't search it, No'vus immediately put B'uran in the crew quarters after they let him out of his cell. These credits are a bit of controversy for the next few parts of the session. After much of the controversy settle's I tell the group that the 1000 credits could have been theirs.B'uran recounted his story of how he was the voice behind a movement to obtain a small portion of the mining rights of Ryl returned to the Twi'leks. He insisted that he does not know why a Hutt would put a bounty on him. Maybe its the Twi'lek in me, maybe its the optimist in me, but I believe him and agreed to help him get off the ship. I just had to figure out how.
I opened the door and as expected, Skleet's blaster was pointed right at my face. I tried closing the door but his clawed foot was blocking it. Skleet hissed something at B'uran. B'uran did not answer and attempted to take a step toward the Trandoshan. Circular blue beams shot from Skleets blaster in a waves of energy. While the full brunt of the blast hit B'uran, I was grazed the shots as I could feel tiny spurs of energy attacking my nervous system it clearly wasn't enough to stun us both so Skleet fired again. Although the beam hit me again, it dropped B'uran to the floor.
Skleet intended to rifle through B'uran's pocket to see what he was hiding and took a few steps in that direction. I made the simple mistake of thinking I, a passifist doctor, could stop this hulking reptilian beast. I was wrong. I reached for him, but he quickly turned, used my momentum against me and slammed me in the the door frame of the crew quarters. Skleet must have slipped on something because the next thing I saw, besides stars, was Skleet on the ground. Now, I don't know for sure, but I think his reptilian face landed right in B'uran's crotch.
I had to lie on the floor for a few minutes to clear the white dots from my vision. In the meantime, Skleet grabbed B'uran by the leg, drug him back to the cargo hold and stripped him. Then put him back in the holding cell. I heard him call on the comlink to Knosh, telling him that he found 800 credits on B'uran and that B'uran would no longer be a threat. Skleet then went back to the galley and began feasting on the raw meat scraps left by the Trandoshan bounty hunter we stole the ship from. I think I heard later that he was munching on Wookie. No words can describe what I'm thinking.
All the while, Knosh had done a bit of scouting. He found out that there are two groups of four Stormtroopers on patrol around a barracks near Teemo's palace and a warehouse to the north of the space port Besh. He said he did not want to get too close. I don't blame him, we are probably wanted for stealing our ship. I feel that Knosh's fear of the Empire is a bit deeper than that.
He eventually found the cantina and met with a contact of Teemo's. Not really sure how he did it, but I think I recall him saying he was out 100 credits. Knosh relayed that we had some cargo for Teemo that we had ran across. It peaked the contact's interest and he stated he would talk to Teemo and to meet him in the cantina in 24 hours.
GM NOTES: In fact, Vorn, the owner of the Junk shop, knew he had an HMRI somewhere but didn't know where. When his inept R5 droid found it the part was to be sent over to the Lambda Shuttle. They did question why they would need this HMRI for a Lamda Shuttle, Vorn just assumed it was a universal aftermarket part that could be used on anything. So, Tabo and Simms tried to distract Vorn and program the R5 unit to deliver the part to them instead of the Imperial...but failed.
It was eating me alive inside. I could not let B'uran just sit in there like a caged animal. What they are wanting to do to him is unlawful and inhumane. It took me a minute by I devised a plan to help B'uran. With supplies from my medkit I concocted a tranqulizer. I injected it into some of the raw meat scraps I found near the Dejaric table. When I handed it to Skleet as a peace offering, he didn't even flinch. With one quick gulp he ate the meat, a minute or so passed and Skleet fell face first into the chucks of meat and fat on the table. According to my estimate he would be out for about an hour.
With that, I took the cred sticks out of Skleet's pockets, grabbed B'uran's clothes and headed toward the holding cell. I set it all on the floor in front of B'uran's holding tank. I hit the button to release him, turned and walked toward the cockpit. What happened after that I had no control...
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