In perusing the Fantasy Flight Games Edge of the Empire forums last week, I stumbled upon a post by Zev Linare asking for peeps to join his play by post (pbp) game. This peaked my interest and I joined. I've never played in a pbp game before and thought it would be a fun way for me to play the game without having to devote another night of the week to gaming. From what I understand I only have to make a single post per day in the games forum (hosted by and that shouldn't take too much time (which is scarce these days). You can read about Zev's campaign and all of our exploits at Star Wars: Idiots Array
Earlier this week, Zev sent out a questionnaire for us to fill out. The questionnaire is meant to flesh out our characters and provide background, plot hooks, and NPC's to our campaign. Below is the questionnaire about my character, Timus Feen a Human Mechanic/Scoundrel with a knack for racing.
Where was
your character born?
Timus Feen was born on Coruscant. His parents were originally
Galactic Senators from the agricultural planet Balamak. Of course, his parents
eventually lost their positions due to the dissolution of the Imperial Senate. When
that happened, they moved back to Dorum, the capital city of Balamak to re-entered
local politics. Whether or not they became some of the "discontented
senators" that ultimately discussed rebellion is not known to Timus.
Timus pretty much shunned his political and noble
family from the onset of adolescence. Choosing instead mingle with those of
less status, often spending most of his time in Coruscants Underlevels. He
ultimately felt like all politicians, even his family, do are manipulate and
control others and he wanted no part of that.
compelled your character into his/her present class/specialization?
- Timus found out early on that he had a natural aptitude for anything
mechanical. Always tinkering with things soon caught the eye of Baron Soba (you
can make him whatever you want) and put Timus to work. At first the work was
just on the Baron's personal speeder and machines around a shop. But
eventually, after earning trust, Timus began tuning illegal transport vessels,
pod racers, and modded speeder bikes. Working on all this fast machinery soon
sparked his interest in racing.
Scoundrel -
Practically spending his teen years and beyond in the seedier sections of
Coruscant and the galaxy, Timus had to learn the ways of the underworld to
survive. If anyone knew he was really a Senator's son, who knows what would
have happened to him; killed, blackmailed, or taken prisoner and held for
ransom. Lying, cheating, and coercing those around him became his way of life.
What are the
specifics of your obligation?
Betrayal and
As Timus' talents at racing became more and more
apparent, Baron Soba entered him in more lucrative racing events. More
lucrative equaled more dangerous and illegal. Timus found himself racing all
over the galaxy performing in all types of races, all the while bringing Baron
Soba more and more wealth.
The circumstances behind what was about to happen
next are unknown to Timus, but for some reason, on the day of the race Baron
Soba approached Timus. He ordered Timus to lose the race. After much arguing
about the matter, Timus ultimately agreed.
Close to finishing Kessel Run, Timus really began
thinking about the relationship between he and Baron Soba. Him being
"ordered" to throw this race was just one more time that the Baron
was using him for his own greed or schemes. At that time, Timus realized he's
had enough and finished the race in first place, by a narrow margin. Unsure of
what to do next, Timus punched in coordinates to_______________ (up to the GM)
and fled the system, ultimately stealing Baron Soba's ship.
What is your
view of the Empire?
For many years he had a nonchalant view of the
Empire. He basically lived his life outside the lines of the Empire. When his
parents were forced back home, a little resentment grew but not enough to
Now that Timus is a criminal, he tries to avoid all
Imperial entanglements.
What is your
view of the Rebellion?
Timus doesn't know much about the Rebellion. He's
heard that they are building forces and have struck a fatal blow to the Empire.
But he feels that one political party takes over another and eventually you end
up with the same manipulating force in the galaxy.
What is your
view of aliens and droids?
They are people too. Most droids are just tools of
a trade, but some are sentient enough to warrant being treated like humans.
What makes
your character tick and motivates him/her?
Currently there is a deep seeded feeling of
betrayal within Timus. Yes he betrayed Baron Soba by not throwing the race and
steeling the ship, but Timus feels betrayed by Baron Soba too. Over the last
few years, there has been a growing mistrust of Baron Soba. Timus grew tired of
being a pawn for Baron Soba's acquisition of wealth. Even now with stealing Baron
Soba's ship and fleeing into the galaxy, Timus feels manipulated and controlled
by the Baron.
So, what ultimately motivates Timus is a need to
finally be free of Baron Soba. I don't know if this means eventually having to
kill Baron Soba or eventually reconciling differences. I leave that completely
up to the GM and how the story progresses.
What really
torques your character or makes him/her fly off the handle?
When people to manipulate Timus or when people attempt
to use him in as a tool for their own gains.
What is one
thing that your character would never want the other characters to find out
about him/her?
That he is from nobility and wealth. For Timus, he
still fears that those he associates with will try to use his family and their
status against him. Timus would also hate for his family to find out about his
life of crime.
10. If there could be one future event that you
would have me add, what is it? I might not add it, but give me something that
could make for an interesting encounter, such as a high-stakes sabacc
tournament, flying through an asteroid field, discovering that your character
is nominally Force sensitive, etc.
I can't really think of anything that I think is a
must have. Realizing that my character is Force Sensitive would be cool. That
cold explain why he's good at racing. But if there are too many people that
want this then I don't. I wouldn't want
too many Force Sensitive in the group.
11. Who is your enemy, someone who really has
it in for you?*
Baron Soba...
Or if something more generic is needed, I'm sure
there are lots of pilots (space and planetary) that Timus has cheated,
swindled, or beaten in the past that have it out for him.
12. List 2-4 of the following that I could
possibly bring into the campaign in the future. Bear in mind that some of these
roles might overlap a bit. Also, list if you are on good or bad terms with said
people, and why you're on those terms with them:
- A friend or ally - Another racer that Baron Soba has sponsored. Working together in a mechanics pit has formed a bond.
- A useful contact - Apolitical friend of the family. It could be someone that remembers the good old days on Coruscant when Timus was just a child.
- A family member or two - Mother and Father living on the Mid-Rim planet of Balamak relations are strained due to Timus' choices in life but nothing that can't be mended.
- A mentor/trainer - A parts dealer that gave a lot of insight into racing, dealing, negotiating, and life in general.
- A romantic interest or old flame - nope. Love em and leave em.
There you have it.. My first ever character for Edge of the Empire. Let the adventure begin!
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