Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Cry Wolf!

Since it's nearly Halloween, I've decided to take the old "party game" Mafia / Werewolf and convert it. My version will be played over Facebook conversations with a bunch of friends and use real time day and night cycles.  Below are the rules and the minor tweaks I've made to the game. We'll see if it works!

Rules and stuff!

Every player will have a role, determined randomly. Except in this first game, where I will be the moderator.

Once the roles are determined everyone MUST  keep their role secret. The roles are

  • One “Moderator”
  • Two “Werewolves” (if more than 17 players then three "Werewolves")
  • One “Villager (Seer)
  • One "Witch"
  • All remaining players are “Villagers”

Friday, September 20, 2013

Enter Infinity!

Wargaming, I am back! Well sort of...

A few weeks ago a friend and I were talking, He stated that he was thinking of getting into Infinity. I immediately piped up and said, "Hell Yeah!" I have been in love with Infinity forever but didn't know anyone that played so never bought into it. With him getting into it, it gives me perfect opportunity to get and paint new mini's! WOOT!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Simple Possession Act 3 (pt 2)

Skleet erupted over the comm in a panicked state complaining about upcoming problems. He found B'uran at the space port. But he wasn't alone. It appears that ol' stumpy B'uran was in league with the twin Twi'leks that we ran into on that space station of Kesaris! You know the one that shot Skleet in the face! He's gonna like getting revenge on that one.
GM NOTE: I use the image of Oskara, the pregenerated character from the EotE Beginner Box to represent Sheva'asta and Teva'asta, twin Twi'lek Bounty Hunters . Because she just looks bad ass!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Simple Posessions Act I Outline

Someone asked me to post a high level outline or description of what I use to run my sessions and I thought, OK. But then I got thinking about it and realized that it might be a bit harder than I thought. Reason being is that I generally GM off the cuff, on the fly, or by complete improvisation. I play off of, and react to, what the characters do in game.

With all that in mind, sometimes (meant rarely) I come up with an incredible adventure idea or story arc and want to completely flesh it out. When I do this, my intentions are to post it online somewhere for all the world to see and enjoy, but then my A.D.D. kicks in and I never get it finished (hence the title of my blog). This time, however, I have Episode 1 Act I completely fleshed out and ready to send to the webisphere! 

Bare in mind, that this was written explicitly for my group and may not work for all groups. I know what motivates my group, and generally know how they will react to situations. If they don't react the way I need them too, then I at least know how to coerce them into making the decisions I want them to, without them noticing too much.

So here goes...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Simple Possession Act 3 part 1

This Act begins as the crew of the Krayt Fang land on Formos. The come here looking for an astromech droid that is carrying vital information about the Kessel Run. Formos is practically a barren rock that is located at the end of Kessel Run. The rocky barren landscape is not very hospitable and the air is thick, stale and barely breathable. The planet has one space port that is surrounded by a small town consisting mostly of warehouses and small homes. Although Formos is primarily used for small smuggling operations, there is a small Imperial garrison station here.

I have decided to narrate this Act through the eyes of our scoundrel, Knosh. It should offer a different perspective on the group and their dealings. I'd like to eventually tell parts of the story from all players perspectives, but who knows.

Also, there wasn't really much in the way of GM notes to include. there were a lot of failed rolls, most of which will not be noticed by Knosh, so it was left out.

So here we go....

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Simple Possession Act 2 (pt 3)

The bulbous slimy Hutt hovered toward us on his pillow covered throne. I was scared. Knosh seemed like he was about to wet himself. While not as apparent, the others were probably just as scared as the rest of us. Teemo said something in Huttese, but since none of us understood, we just stood there. He uttered a few louder and maybe angrier words toward the protocol droid. The protocol droid snapped
to attention and apologized for not translating.

The protocol droid stepped up and stated that Teemo wanted to know how we procured the pelts. Knosh, sort of pushed Simms forward and said something like, "Let our leader tell you." All eyes were on Simms but Simms was silent. He clamored for words for a few minutes while Teemo waited, rather impatiently. He eventually burped up the words Wookie pelts, Trandoshan, or something. Realizing that he didn't know what to say, he tried to pass the gauntlet to Skleet to explain what happened.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Simple Possession Act 2 (pt 2)

As Knosh was heading back to the ship, he noticed B'uran leaving the space port. Just my luck. He followed him for a few minutes and eventually caught up with him. With a blaster pointed at him, B'uran and Knosh came to an agreement. Just about that time, they noticed a patrol of Stormtroopers heading their way. They quickly returned to the ship.

The deal they made was that B'uran would give us 1,000 credits to get him off the planet. They negotiated that he would give us half now and the other half once he was off the planet. About this time, Skleet was waking up and was wondering where his 200 credits were. We thought he was just still out of it from the sedative but he argued that he told Knosh that it was only 800 credits but in reality there was 1000. Either way, they were all mad at me, except for Tabo. He's been a bit quiet since we arrived on Tatooine, maybe the sand is affecting his breathing apparatus.

Simple Possession Act 2 (pt 1)

Last night was another session of my campaign. It was so awesome. As I told my players afterwards that the story is going along so much better than I had planned and each on of them are placing little plot hooks here and there that will make the over all story just amazing. To our dismay, our Wookie pilot did not attend. He promised he would be there next time.
GM NOTE and SPOILERS: For this Act, I used the setting of Mos Shuuta as laid out in the Beginner Box Set. I presented the adventure sort of backwards than intended. As written, the PC's are trying to escape Mos Shuuta and Teemo, in my game they are trying to gain audience with him but are also still trying to find the Hyper Matter Reactor Ignitor and fix the Krayt Fang. I originally did not plan on using the imperial presence of Lt. Herkin and the Stormtroopers as laid out in the Beginner Adventure but because of Obligation I decided to throw them in with a little different story hook than is in the Beginner game.

What else? Ah, B'uran. The Tw'lek who was Trex's bounty. I have changed his back story around a bit, I can't really say how just yet, but he is still wanted by Teemo and ads a lot of inter-character intrigue to the session. As you'll see.

So here we go, Simple Possession Act 2, as told  by our noble doctor No'vus Waravan...

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Idiot's Array.

In perusing the Fantasy Flight Games Edge of the Empire forums last week, I stumbled upon a post by Zev Linare asking for peeps to join his play by post (pbp) game. This peaked my interest and I joined. I've never played in a pbp game before and thought it would be a fun way for me to play the game without having to devote another night of the week to gaming. From what I understand I only have to make a single post per day in the games forum (hosted by and that shouldn't take too much time (which is scarce these days). You can read about Zev's campaign and all of our exploits at Star Wars: Idiots Array

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Simple Possession Act I (pt 2)

"T-minues 2 minutes 30 seconds until emergency orbital reentry"

Holy shit! This station IS sinking!

It was good thing that on the way to this station I did a bit of research and happened to have a map of the station stored on my data pad. With that, a course to the next, and only, hangar was pretty easy to find.

GM NOTE: Old doc here went to pull up his data pad and try to search for another hangar. He rolled a triumph so I stated that he had already had the map stored and could find a short cut to the hangar.

Right behind me were Knosh and the others. In fact there were probably a few times during our run that Knosh pulled ahead of me. He seemed more panicked than the rest of us and was looking for an escape pod. Poor guy. It seemed that everyone he found, was already taken or that the entry doors were stuck. I guess that happens in a dilapidated space station. which made him panic even more.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Simple Possession Act 1 (pt 1)

The anticipation has been building and building within my group for weeks now and finally the campaign gets underway. All but our Wookie Pilot were present (which ended up hindering the group just a bit). Everyone seemed to have a great time, there was one person in the group that didn't play during my beta of Edge of the Empire campaign. He picked up on the mechanics quickly and enjoyed the systems as much as the rest of us...

Below is a narrative of what happened through the eyes of our Twi'lek Doctor.
Occasionally I may add GM notes if it's something significant to the mechanics of the session. If so, they will be indented white text with gray background.
Here we go...

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Cast

And away we go...

I've been writing pretty steadily over the last few weeks getting ready for my Edge of the Empire Campaign. I'm really excited about running and cannot wait. The title of the campaign is A Dark Black Past (DBP). Yes, Megadeth came across Pandora and I used a bit of lyrics, but it is makes for a perfect title for this campaign. The first episode titled Simple Posession and as the title suggests the episode revolves around... wait I can't exactly say just yet as I have some players that will read this.

I have about 9 people that want to play but based on past experience that is too many. I once ran a Star Wars RCR game that had 12 or 13 people and it was a nightmare. If I remember correctly they were trying to take command/control of a Star Destroyer and one combat lasted 4 hours. Needless to say that the campaign only lasted one session and was never brought back up. I'm really surprised that my players ever wanted me to GM again.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

GM Holocron

Today, or yesterday rather, I've started my GM Holocron. I would like to thank GMChris and GMDave for this fabulous idea. They presented the GM Holocron on their d20radio Order 66 podcast. This idea will prove to be very very valuable in my future GM plans.

While they have a community GM Holocron, I've decided to do my own instead. I am having issues creating stuff on theirs. If one day I gain the right permissions to add pages, I'll contribute a lot of content.

Basically, a GM Holocron is a stockpile of resources designed to make the arduous task of planning and setup of a session easier. The GM Holocron is a document/folder/ file system that will contain lists of NPC's, equipment, adventures, images, ships, and encounters (called set pieces). I would normally have just used InDesign or Publisher,  but I have recently found Evernote which is perfect for what I want to do.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Campaigning in the Edge

This is my first post in a while because…. Well, I haven’t really done any gaming in what seems like forever. With Star Wars Edge of the Empire RPG on the horizon this will all change soon. In fact, the Core Book, the GM’s Pack, and Beginner game should all be on my doorstep sometime next week. I hope. I tell ya, I can’t wait! I’m as giddy as my 5 year old before his birthday party!

The plan is to start my campaign shortly after they finish up this current epic adventure, set in the universe of Marvel Super Heroes. Yes, the classic 80’s RPG. Sadly, I am not playing in that one, but the few sessions I’ve watched, it seems awesome!

In the meantime, I am slowly and carefully building my campaign. This campaign is to be a yearlong epic adventure mixed with intrigue, deception, bounty hunting and the shady underworld of a galaxy far far away. While I don’t want to give too many spoilers away, I do want to set the hook.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I've decided to change it all up again!

While this trek into game blogging started with a painting blog, I've changed my mind about it many many times. I've posted, changed the name and intent, posted again, changed again. Such is the problems of having A.D.D. I guess.

At the same time, I continue to game, even if I don't paint. And I always have this desire to blog. I am now changing things again to reflect my true journey into gaming... (hope it lasts)

So, here I go again...

... on my own!
Goin' down the only road I've ever known,
Like a drifter I was born to walk alone
An' I've made up my mind
I ain't wasting no more time...